bybmg: 4 Ways I Get Free Stuff

4 Ways I Get Free Stuff

These past few months I've felt like the luckiest girl! I wanted to share with you how I've gotten some free stuff lately.

1) Influenster - Through this site, I fill out surveys and write reviews of products. In November, I got a whole box of goodies from them to sample. I reviewed the items and shared about them on social media. I just got an email that I fulfilled one of the brand badges (Kiss Nail Art) and more goodies are coming my way. I also just learned I get to try out some Dove deodorant from them, too! This site is an invitation site, though you may be able to sign up now. I'm not sure. I have given out all of my invitations currently, but I can put you on the list for when I get more if you're interested.

2) BzzAgent - This is another great survey and reviewing site. The campaigns are sent to you based on surveys you fill out about your interests as well. We got the Transformers Beam Box for Henry to try out (and KEEP!) as well as trying a full-sized Covergirl foundation, one month of Redbox video streaming, Claritin-D, and some Fiber One bars (that I just received - yummy! - blog post about that soon!).

3. Giveaways - Many blogs as well as companies have giveaways. It takes a little time, but I enter them when I can. In the past month, I won $100 to Kiki La Rue through a blog giveaway. I got two tops and a pair of pants through that. I also entered Hiland Dairy's cookie recipe contest by voting for a recipe. I was one of a couple people drawn and won coupons for 5 free gallons or milk and other products from their company.  I have always been one of those people who says, "I never win anything!" But, after these two experiences, I'm a believers. I'll keep entering! Oh, and I won a beautiful necklace from sharing/liking a giveaway from a boutique I like on Facebook.

4. Freebie Shark - This site posts all things freebies and discounts - whenever a company is giving away samples, they catch wind of it and share. Some samples go super fast, and many times I miss out because I'm working, but I've nabbed a few things from there. They also have a Facebook page you can like.  I've gotten K-Cup samples, shampoo samples, lotion, diapers, wipes, and more from tips posted on Freebie Shark as well as learning about PinchMe, another sample site where you review the items you receive.

This top and pants - free because of winning the Kiki La Rue giveaway!

I hope you realize that the point of this post is not to brag about all the free stuff I've gotten. Instead, I hope you can use some of these tips and places to score some free stuff for yourself. I truly look forward to opening the mailbox every day because I never know what little sample might be waiting for me! 

These four "tips" are just a glimpse into the world of samples and freebies. I'd love to sit down and chat or email with you about it more in depth. Feel free to contact me via any form of social media and we can be in touch about it if you want more ins and outs of the fun you can have. 

Linking up with the Be. You. Tiful link party.  

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