bybmg: Summer Bucket List Link Up: A Family Walk at the Farmers Market

Summer Bucket List Link Up: A Family Walk at the Farmers Market


Ok, ok, ok, now I now this might not be what people think of when they think of a family walk, but whenever we go to the Des Moines Downtown Farmers Market, we do a ton of walking! We headed there last Saturday morning. It was the PERFECT weather. Just a slight breeze. We needed jackets at the beginning, but it soon warmed up.

Russ scored a Dutch Letter. If you aren't from an area with Dutch heritage, you may have no idea what this is, but it's delicious!

Henry snagged a bite, and enjoyed it so much, Russ was in line at the next Dutch bakery for another.

Henry ate about the whole thing!

I finally got to see Bannor Toys in person. I follow the local shop on Instagram. I picked up one of these Iowa teether rattles for Wesley. 

Mr. Muscles!

Every time we go to the Farmers Market, I have to pick up some of this delicious popcorn. The strawberry vanilla mix is my favorite. The bag didn't last more than a few hours.

There's also tons of live music. Henry actually sat down on the ground to watch this duo sing fun children's songs.  It was a wonderful trip!

Now, for the link up! What summer fun did you have this week?
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Summer Bucket List Link Up

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