bybmg: DIY Felt Gift Card Holder

DIY Felt Gift Card Holder


One of the things I like to give my kids' teachers/care providers is a gift card. As a teacher in the elementary for many years, there's only so much lotion and candles a teacher can take. A gift card isn't the only thing they'll get this year, but it's a small, little added bonus with the gift.  This year, I decided to bypass the paper envelope that Target provides and make a holder of my own.  The whole project took me about 15 minutes, so if you have a sewing machine and can sew/cut in a somewhat straight line, you can do it too!

I started out with some spare pieces of felt I had already. 

I used the gift card as my pattern and cut around it, leave about a centimeter edge.

I cut two sets since I have two gift cards to give.  I thought I'd go with green on back to make it a little fun.

Then I just cut out some simple rectangles and a circle. You could pin them to the felt if you want to, but I chose to just place them on top.

Probably the most important thing to remember is to sew the design on FIRST and then sew the back on. I didn't take pictures of the separate steps, but you must sew the designs on FIRST, or you'll be sewing your pouch shut when you attach them.  Last, I sewed around 3/4 of the edges pretty close to the edge to make sure the card could slide in and out easily.  That's it!  

If you have a spare 15 minutes, I'd encourage you to spice up your gift card packaging a little bit and make something fun!

For the rest of the gift, I included a couple Fleurty Bands (in their favorite colors gathered from the Favorite Things survey I had them fill out), and a cute printable frame art you can find here.

Epic Mommy Adventures 
 Dolen Diaries 

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