bybmg: PR/Media Kit

PR/Media Kit


Hi! I'm Becky!

I am a down to earth, Midwest teacher who loves to share real life and style for the everyday gal. I share outfits multiple times a week, stories and also share happening of our family. I make it a goal to be relatable to the average person. I am working on living a healthy lifestyle, enjoy travel, and our family gets outdoors often.

I have over 6,000 followers on Instagram, over 700 Facebook fans, and am dabbling on TikTok with over 1600 followers on. I post to Instagram and stories multiple times a week, if not daily. 

I love partnering with companies whose products I love. I am no longer posting to my blog, but still use it as a landing page and currently post to Facebook and Instagram regularly.

My audience consists of mostly women ages 25-45.

If you are interesting in working with me, please email me to discuss rates. 

Some product areas that I am interested in reviewing:
  • Fashion (clothing, shoes, accessories)
  • Children's items (I have three boys, born 1/10, 4/13 and 5/15)
  • Beauty items
  • Household items/home decor 
  • Food items

Here are some of my non-fashion collaborations:
Walmart Family Mobile
Disney Circle

Here are some of my fashion and beauty collaborations:
Irresistible Me Hair Extensions 
Democracy Clothing
No Nonsense

Contact me at becky(dot)goerend(at)gmail(dot)com

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